Status of Marine Science in Germany


a deluge of marine environmental data from many different sources

Extremely wide range of data sources

  • Ship-based instruments
  • Instruments in water column and at seafloor
  • Air- and space-borne instruments
  • Sensor networks
  • Individual data types and formats
  • Snapshot projects vs. long-term monitoring data

Data are stored in different data centers (if at all !)

Data-intensive marine science needs a coherent data protal with common access strategy:

aggregation, integration, free access.

Main challenges for research and implementation

Metadata integration, harmonization and aggregation
Data from three national large-scale data e-infrastructures (PANGAEA, COSYNA, GDI-BSH) and at least three national publication e-infrastructures (ePIC, HZG_pubRep, OceanRep) will be aggregated into a central metadata catalogue. Dynamic procedures for harmonization and integration of content will be developed using common vocabulary, terms (ontology).

Ingestion and workflow
We are planning to evaluate the current ingestion and workflow procedures at the distinct partner e-infrastructures; the goal is to be able to suggest new dissemination solutions as well as the establishment of data curation and customer support centres, both aiming at concrete improvements in the quality of the end data products. With a view to more automation we will improve the standardization of attaching sensor networks (e.g., OGC/SWE standards) as well as future versions of DSHIP (ship information system), a de-facto standard for research vessels, to repository and portal solutions.

Discovery, View, Download and Dissemination services
We are planning to develop a series of content-specific services to enable coherent discovery and visualization (search/browse and mapping services) as well as dissemination of content at European and International levels. Intense exchange of ideas/wishes with scientists will take place.

Data Portal German Marine Research

Prototype is open to public since February 2014